9 March 2025
Police: 1 dead, 1 injured following parking lot shooting in Kalamazoo
Possible Shooting: DPD's 2nd Precinct to the 10300 block of Griggs on reports of a shooting. DFD's Engine 42, DEMS Medic 10 also responding.This also appears to be a false alarm
Possible Shooting: DPD's 12th Precinct to 10301 W McNichols x Griggs, DEMS Medic 3 also responding.Doesn't appear to be a shooting at this location. NW Detroit
Police say multiple people were hurt Saturday night in a shooting in Kalamazoo
Shots Fired: DPD's 9th Precinct responding to Park Dr & Longview on multiple reports of shots being fired. Detroit's NE Side
Shooting: DPD Scouts responding to a local hospital on reports of a privately conveyed shooting victim, no information on scene, arrived in a gray Chevy Tahoe
Man dead after Grand Rapids officer-involved shooting, police say
4 month ago
Commercial Building Fire: Detroit Fire to the 20100 block of Votrobeck on reports of an occupied apartment building fire. Battalion Chief's 2/4. Detroit's NW Side.Washing Machine Fire. Chief 4 holding the box
Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire at Conner & Maidan with a working dwelling fire. Battalion Chief 3 is on scene, reports first engine to stretch, Engine 46. Detroit's East Side
Shooting: DPD investigating a shooting in the area of Southfield & Acacia. Detroit's West Side
Officers found a number of illegally-possessed weapons after a report of a suspicious vehicle in Grand Rapids Thursday night
4 month ago
A body was found during a fire in a Kentwood storage unit, prompting a suspicious death investigation
Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire at Snowden & Vassar with a working dwelling fire. Battalion Chief's 2/4. Engine 30 is stretched on a burning dwelling. BC4 has IC
DPD Scouts just took one person into custody after what sounds like a short foot chase, weapon recovered. McNichols & John R
4 month ago
DPD 8th Precinct Scouts had 3 persons rabbiting in the area of Pilgrim & Bramell for a little while, couldn't outrun a bunch of persons with crap hangin' from their waist, all 3 are now in custody. Someone now needs Narcan at the scene. NW Detroit
Police say the shooting stemmed from an argument that started between a 6-year-old and an 8-year-old
Stabbing: DPD to 15311 Schaefer, Sheffield Manor Nursing Home, on reports of a 68yo female assaulted and stabbed. DFD's Engine 53 and DEMS Medic 10 responding. Detroit's NW
DPD's 3rd Precinct responding to reports of a male firing shots at people via 911. Scouts are urged to use caution on their approach, no description of shooter. Englewood & Woodward.Arriving scout hasn't seen or heard anything
DPD just took a non fatal shooter into custody in the area of Winthrop & 7 Mile. Detroit
Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire at Pinewood & Anvil with a working dwelling fire. Engine 50 is stretched on a burning dwelling. BC 3 has incident command. Detroit's NE Side
Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire at Central & Westfield with a working dwelling fire. Engine 42 is stretched on a burning dwelling. BC's 2/5. Detroit's west Side
Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire's Engine 50 at Houston Whittier & Chalmers stretched on a burning dwelling, calls for the box. BC's 3/6. Detroit's NE Side
1 dead, 1 injured after Jackson officer-involved shooting
Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire to the 2500 Glendale for a working dwelling fire. Engine 40 is stretched on a burning dwelling. Battalion Chief 5 will have IC. Detroit's West Side
DPD's 9th Precinct, DFD's Engine 58 & Medic 56 to Fisher Magnet School at Maddelein & Crusade on reports of an 11yo male assaulted, kicked in the head according to dispatch audio. NE Detroit
Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire to the 2600 block of S Bassett on reports of a dwelling fire. Battalion Chief 7 will have incident command. Engine 48 reports stretching a red line on the back door of a residence. Engine 48 reports they can handle, BC7 cancels the box. Detroit's SW…
Police say a woman was stabbed to death in Grand Rapids Wednesday morning
Vehicle into a Dwelling: DPD to the 7400 block of Outer Dr W on reports of a vehicle that slammed into a house, someone may be trapped. DFD's E30, S5, C2 and DEMS Medic 18 responding. Detroit NW Side
Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire at Kendall & Blackstone with 2 working dwelling fires. Engine 57 has dropped their monitor (big honkin' nozzle). Battalion Chief's 2/4. DEMS Medic 25. Detroit's West Side
W Grand Blvd & Linwood: DFD's Engine 39, Squad 4, Battalion Chief 5 and EMS for an MVC, person stuck under a vehicle. Squad 4 requests DPD's 10th Precinct to scene, an election worker is involved in the MVC. Ballots are on scene according to Squad 4.