9 Mart 2025
3 gün önce
Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire to Duchess & Grayton on reports of an occupied or vacant dwelling fire, reports of arson and shots have also been heard fired according to dispatch audio. Engine 58 is stretched. Battalion Chief 3
3 gün önce
Possible Shooting: DPD's 10th Precinct to Chicago Blvd & Wildemere on reports of a shooting. DFD's Engine 39 (MFR) & DEMS Medic 2 also responding. Child caller reported his mother had been shot.Engine 39 reports a false alarm, no shooting
4 gün önce
Commercial Building Fire: Detroit Fire to Robert Bradby & Chene. Engine 9 calls for the commercial box, stretched on a burning occupied apartment building
4 gün önce
Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire to Philip & Charlevoix on reports of a dwelling fire. Battalion Chief 6 has incident command. Engine 52 is stretched on an occupied dwelling
A Kalamazoo man was sentenced to 27 years in prison for selling fentanyl that caused a fatal overdose
4 gün önce
Commercial Building Fire: Detroit Fire to 15400 W 7 Mile on reports of a vacant apartment building fire. Battalion Chief 4. Companies investigating
4 gün önce
Reports of a person down in the street at Field & E Jefferson. DPD's 7th Precinct, EMS responding
4 gün önce
Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire at Maxwell & Lambert with a working occupied dwelling fire, Engine 41 is stretched. Battalion Chief 6 has incident command
5 gün önce
DOS: DPD's 5th Precinct investigating a DOS (Deceased Person) at Chalmers & Essex, DPD Evidence Techs are en route to process the scene via Homicide
5 gün önce
Injury MVC 7 Mile & Pennington. DPD's 12th Precinct, DFD's Engine 30, Squad 5, BC 8 & DEMS Medic 18. Vehicle on fire, 1 person trapped, female not breathing according to dispatch audio. Squad 5 requests DPD for traffic control
5 gün önce
Shots Fired: DPD's 7th Precinct at Dubois & Warren for shots being fired. 911 caller reported 10 persons were outside shooting at the door, attempting to get in. Arriving officers took one person into custody according to dispatch audio
5 gün önce
Confirmed Stabbing: DPD, DEMS at 23 E Adams with a confirmed stabbing according to dispatch audio
5 gün önce
DPD's 6th Precinct chasing/following a vehicle on the west side, driver bailed in the area of Artesian & Sawyer. A Scout car was struck during the pursuit. Scouts appear to be boxing him in on Artesian. K9-3 is responding and a perimeter is being established.
5 gün önce
Woodward & Adams: Large fight, scouts asking for more units to the scene. Attempting to disperse the crowd. Responding units told to slow it down
5 gün önce
Dwelling Fire: DFD at Penrose & Danbury with a working dwelling fire. Battalion Chief 8 has incident command. Engine 44 is stretched on a burning dwelling
5 gün önce
Possible CSC: Criminal Sexual Assault, DPD's 11th Precinct investigating a CSC in the area of Hull & E Robinwood. DPD Evidence Techs responding to process the scene
6 gün önce
DPD's 3rd Precinct-Downtown Services-Woodward Beat 1/EMS in front of the LCA with a possible DOS, CPR is in progress. Confirmed: Supervisor requested for the DOS
6 gün önce
MSP investigating reports of a 'black sedan' firing shots on the WB 96 at Evergreen. No victims, no witnesses..No further information
1 hafta önce
Commercial Box Alarm: Detroit Fire to 21700 W McNichols on reports of a fire in an occupied apartment building. Engine 54 reports the fire has been extinguished by DPD. Box canceled
1 hafta önce
Detroit Fire's Engine 42 stretched on a burning RV @ Joy Rd & McQuade
1 hafta önce
Shots Fired: Multiple shots fired in the area of August & Dickerson, 9 rounds detected by Shot Spotter. 9th Precinct
1 hafta önce
Stabbing: DPD's 11th Precinct to Wexford & Outer on reports of an unresponsive stabbing victim. DFD's Engine 56 & Medic 46 also responding
1 hafta önce
Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire at Benson & Elmwood for a working dwelling fire, reported by DPD Scouts. Engine 9 is stretched on a burning dwelling. Battalion Chief 1 has incident command
1 hafta önce
Shots Fired: city employee reported he was about to tag a vehicle, some sort of violation, and someone fired a shot from inside a residence at Pembroke & Vaughan. Multiple 8th Precinct units…
1 hafta önce
Occupied Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire at Pearl & W Vernor with a working occupied dwelling fire. Engine 37 is stretched, there are civilian injuries on scene. DEMS Medic 9 responding. Battalion Chief 7 has incident command. BC5 is the safety officer
1 hafta önce
Detroit Fire's Engine 30 involved in an MVC at Wildemere & McNichols while responding to a box alarm at Wildemere & Santa Clara. Engine 44, Battalion Chief's 4/8 & Senior Chief 203 also responding. The box alarm was canceled and handled by Squad 5.
1 hafta önce
Confirmed Shooting: DPD's 5th Precinct in the 5700 block of Somerset with a confirmed shooting. DPD Scouts are reporting they have placed the victim into a patrol unit and will convey if EMS doesn't get there soon. DEMS Medic 24 was dispatched.DPD Scouts are conveying the GSW…
1 hafta önce
DPD 11th Precinct Scouts just chased down a knucklehead who ran from a traffic stop at Keating & 7 Mile, armed with a slingshot.he was chased down, quite cranky and had to be taken down by officers in the 19100 block of Andover
1 hafta önce
Possible Stabbing: DPD's 5th Precinct to Neff & Munich on reports of a male stabbed. DFD's Engine 58 & DEMS Medic 23 also responding
1 hafta önce
Dwelling Fire: DFD at Northfield & Clarendon with a working dwelling fire. Engine 42 is stretched on a burning dwelling. BC2 has incident command