9 Mart 2025
1 hafta önce
Confirmed Shooting: DPD's 5th Precinct in the 5700 block of Somerset with a confirmed shooting. DPD Scouts are reporting they have placed the victim into a patrol unit and will convey if EMS doesn't get there soon. DEMS Medic 24 was dispatched.DPD Scouts are conveying the GSW…
1 hafta önce
DPD 11th Precinct Scouts just chased down a knucklehead who ran from a traffic stop at Keating & 7 Mile, armed with a slingshot.he was chased down, quite cranky and had to be taken down by officers in the 19100 block of Andover
1 hafta önce
Possible Stabbing: DPD's 5th Precinct to Neff & Munich on reports of a male stabbed. DFD's Engine 58 & DEMS Medic 23 also responding
1 hafta önce
Dwelling Fire: DFD at Northfield & Clarendon with a working dwelling fire. Engine 42 is stretched on a burning dwelling. BC2 has incident command
Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire at Gratiot & Fischer with a working dwelling fire. Reports indicate a person is trapped inside the dwelling, along with 4 dogs. Engine 46 is stretched on a burning dwelling, Battalion Chief 6 has incident command1 hafta önce
Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire at Gratiot & Fischer with a working dwelling fire. Reports indicate a person is trapped inside the dwelling, along with 4 dogs. Engine 46 is stretched on a burning dwelling, Battalion Chief 6 has incident command
1 hafta önce
Confirmed Shooting: DPD's 9th Precinct, DFD's Engine 58 & DEMS Medic 15 on reports of a male shot in the street, Brock & Seymour in Detroit's NE.
1 hafta önce
Confirmed Shooting: DPD's 9th Precinct, DFD's Engine 58 & DEMS Medic 15 on reports of a male shot in the street, Brock & Seymour in Detroit's NE. GSW to arm and leg according to dispatch audio.Original run for Brock & Lappin, revised to Seymour & Lapping.
1 hafta önce
Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire in the 2900 block of Burlingame with a working dwelling fire. Engine 40 is stretched on a burning dwelling. Battalion Chief's 5/8
1 hafta önce
Disturbance/Knife Fight: DPD Officer calls for backup, appears to be a large fight at 10750 Grand River, people armed with knives
1 hafta önce
Stabbing: DPD's 8th Precinct responding to reports of a stabbing in the 19300 block of Shiawassee, 911 caller reporting someone being stabbed in the neck with an ice pick. NW Detroit
1 hafta önce
Shots Fired/Shooting: DPD 6th Precinct Scouts called out a priority, shots fired inside a residence in the 6700 block of Penrod, E55 & Medic 71 also responding. It appears as if a 13yo female has shot herself. No officers were injured
1 hafta önce
Fatal Injury MVC/Pedestrian (FATAL Hit & Run): DPD's 9th Precinct, DFD's Engine 60 and EMS in the 14000 block of 7 Mile for a pedestrian MVC.DPD 9th Precinct Officer reports a K-Type (Fatal)Vehicle involved described as a 'black vehicle', no further
1 hafta önce
Critical Injury MVC on the EB 94 & Chene, 3 patients, 2 critical according to DEMS Supervisor 1103, requests a 2nd medic. DEMS Medic 20 responding
1 hafta önce
Shooting: DPD's 8th Precinct to Mark Twain & Puritan on reports of a female hemorrhaging from the head. Officers report a gunshot wound according to dispatch audio. DEMS Medic 4 is also responding. NW Detroit
1 hafta önce
Stabbing: DPD's 9th Precinct, DFD's Engine 60 & DEMS Medic 14 to Engleside & Gunston on reports of a 48yo male stabbed
1 hafta önce
Commercial Box Alarm: Detroit Fire at Russell & Mack for a working commercial structure fire. Engine 41 is stretched on an apartment building. Battalion Chief 1 has incident command
1 hafta önce
Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire to Lannette & Leroy on reports of a fire in the basement of a dwelling. Battalion Chief 3 has IC. C3 reports a fire in the basement. Engine 50 stretched
1 hafta önce
A 64-year-old man is dead after crashing into power poles and flipping his car
1 hafta önce
Shooting: DPD's 7th Precinct now responding to the 800 block of E Grand Blvd on reports of a 53yo male shot. DEMS Supervisor 1104, DEMS Medic 13 and DFD's Engine 41 responding, DPD/DEMS 1104 now on scene.Original run for shots fired at Mack & E Grand
Deputies are looking for the suspect in a shooting that left a woman dead and two others seriously hurt in Alpine Township early Saturday morning
2 hafta önce
Commercial Box Alarm: Detroit Fire at 1601 Robert Bradby on reports of a fire in an occupied apartment building. Lasdder 26 reports a careless cook on the 6th floor. Battalion Chief 1 cancels the box, hold EMS on scene
2 hafta önce
Shots Fired/Shooting: DPD's 2nd Precinct, DFD's Engine 34 & Medic 48 to the 13100 block of Tireman on reports of multiple shots being fired, 1 person shot in the face. West side
One person has died from a residential fire in Lawton
2 hafta önce
Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire at Sorrento & Wadsworth with a working dwelling fire, 2nd floor going. Engine 53 is stretched. Battalion Chief 2 has incident command
2 hafta önce
Shooting: DPD working a shooting where the victim was privately conveyed to a local hospital, no scene yet, officers are investigating
2 hafta önce
Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire at Grayton & Lansdowne with a working 2 story dwelling fire. Battalion Chief 3 has incident command. Engine 50 is stretched on a burning dwelling
2 hafta önce
Commercial Box Alarm: Detroit Fire to W Grand Blvd & Ferry Park. 2200 W Grand Blvd, 3rd floor. Battalion Chief's 2/5. Smoke on 3rd Floor, companies investigating. Chief 2 holding all companies. Senior Chief 203 also responding
2 hafta önce
Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire on Winthrop & Radcliffe with a working dwelling fire. Battalion Chief's 2/4. Chief 4 has incident command. Engine 34 is stretched on a burning dwelling
2 hafta önce
Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire at Algonquin & Waveney with a working dwelling fire. Battalion Chief 3 has incident command
2 hafta önce
Dwelling Fire: Detroit Fire to Mansfield & Acacia on reports of a dwelling fire. Battalion Chief's 2/4. Engine 53 reports stretching on a burning dwelling